Action on Climate Change Needed Asad Mirza On September 20, 2019, the world stood up and took notice of the millions of people across the world taking to the streets for the Global Climate Strike . Millions of people took part in an unprecedented global demonstration on Friday, 20 Sept., demanding urgent action to tackle global heating, joining a movement started by Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg. The strike was timed to put pressure on the leaders gathering for the climate summit, which is being held ahead of the annual UN general assembly. Extinction Rebellion, a climate change group, and Thunberg’s Fridays for Future are striking across the world between September 20 and 27, asking governments to declare a climate change emergency and take definitive action. UN Secretary General Guterres asked leaders to come to the UN summit with new commitments to put the globe closer to meeting the Paris agreement goals of limiting global heating to at least 2 o...