BJP Full Steam Ahead It is close to two months now, since the election results were declared, yet the Opposition parties seem to have gone into a limbo, seemingly not recovered from the shock defeat in the elections. However, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which got a landslide victory in the elections, is not sitting idle but preparing for the forthcoming Assembly elections in three states—Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Haryana—with full steam, whereas the Opposition parties in these states are yet to recover from the shock at the recent defeat and seem to be in a complete disarray. The Assembly elections are scheduled to be held around October-November this year in Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Haryana. In all these states the BJP is already in power. Soon after the results of the Lok Sabha elections, BJP national president Amit Shah held a meeting of the leaders from the three states to chalk out the strategy for the Assembly elections. While the party has a clear leader as well...